How does the healthcare system work in the US?

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Before choosing health insurance for you and your family, it is important to know in general how the health system works in this country; especially if you have just come to live here.

The health system in the United States does not have universal coverage. That is, it works mainly through private and, to a lesser extent, public services. The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) is the main agency responsible for the care of citizens.

Currently, the healthcare system in the United States is the most expensive in the world. For example, an initial medical consultation can have an average cost of between $100 and $200, and this value increases when visiting specialists or requiring emergency services such as hospitalizations.

The government administers funded health plans, such as Medicare and Medicaid, these plans are aimed at protecting the elderly, the disabled and the poor. Many people rely on obtaining healthcare coverage through their corporate benefits plan so they can cover themselves financially if they require medical treatment. For all these reasons, it is recommended that everyone have medical insurance according to their abilities.

In 2010, the Affordable Care Act, known as Obama Care, became law under President Obama to remedy this. This law was intended to increase the number of American citizens who would receive health coverage. The main provisions of this law ensured that:

  • Insurers cannot deny coverage based on pre-existing conditions.
  • Minimum standards were created for health insurance policies.
  • People without employer benefit plans were required to purchase insurance.
  • Health exchanges established to provide resources to those seeking affordable health plans and subsidies.

In the first years of the implementation of this law, the number of people with health coverage increased significantly. Although it was not a perfect solution, it produced a slight improvement in the American healthcare system.

As of today (July, 2023), the future of healthcare in the United States is changing once again. It is now no longer a requirement for people to have a health insurance plan and with the uncertainty of whether ‘Trumpcare’ – also known as the American Health Care Act – will become law, we could see another potential change in the number of people without health insurance. This is particularly relevant for those people who are self-employed or self-employed. Without a corporate benefits scheme to rely on and the fluctuating nature of your workforce, many people may fall through the cracks once again.


Having the right healthcare coverage is vital, especially when you are faced with expensive healthcare services. It’s important that you commit to staying insured by finding the right health care plan for you. Contrary to popular belief, not all health coverage plans are too expensive or costly. There are insurance providers in the market who are committed to offering affordable health insurance plans with a lower monthly premium that suits both your needs and budget.

At FREEDOM GES we provide you with free advice to help you find the best health insurance coverage option for you and your family based on your financial capacity and medical needs.

Call us to help you 1-561-877-1373

2054 Vista Parkway, Suite 400, West Palm Beach, Florida 33411.



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